Pub social
This most popular Probus Club event is generally referred to as 'Probus Pub Night', and takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month at a local pub, starting at 5:30-6:00 PM as a means of camaraderie and fellowship for club members. Members are canvassed at the beginning of the year as to interest in being on the mail-out list for this group activity. Information as to the specifics of each event is directed to listed members by the coordinator.
The ‘go-to’ location has become the Ocean Park Village Pub, 16th Ave & 128 St., Ocean Park. If/when changes are made to the venue or time of the event, members will be informed in advance. Members are advised approx. 2 weeks prior to the event and interested members should contact the coordinator, Frank Palmer to confirm attendance or otherwise, to be placed on the group list or for more information.